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I spent two weeks in Millwrights from 21st March to 4th April 1977. In my training record I scored "usefulness and interest to me" 9/10 and "usefulness and productivity to the company" 8/10.

The Millwrights were responsible for the maintenance of buildings, erection of new pipework and machine foundations. On arriving in the department, I was assigned to a maintenance fitter and immediately involved in a number of jobs, both indoors and out. I had to make new support feet for some pipes in 9 Bay and fit them to the pipe flanges. This involved using a massive radial arm drill - a daunting prospect if you hadn't used one before! Ladders and platforms were also required for the pipework to allow access to some gate valves.

I also assisted in the installation of a flue to take ammonia fumes from some new equipment in the Print Room. This involved fabricating the flue from galvanised steel sheet and included bends and changes in section. The whole flue was assembled in Millwrights prior to being dismantled and then re-assembled in its correct location. The job also entailed making brackets and cutting a hole in the roof.

I also had my first drive of a Green-Bat in Millwrights. Driving with the Green-Bat in front of you looked so safe but driving it while standing at the front and in the opposite direction was definitely more exciting! The Green-Bat was powered by batteries, had a safety cutout and could carry ¾ ton.

Next department: Electrical Maintenance